Resources We Love

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Behavioral Research Solutions, LLC is a group of research consultants with training in Industrial-Organizational psychology (I/O psychology). The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is the premier industrial and organizational psychology organization in the world. It is the American Psychological Association’s 14th division and provides conferences, white papers, and other information about the study of the human behavior in the workplace.

Click HERE to learn more about SIOP.

Featured SIOP White Papers

The Gig Economy

Improving Communication on Virtual Teams

Algorithmic Justice

Artificial Intelligence for Talent Assessment

ONET Online

ONET provides job analysis and job descriptions from many different jobs and positions. Job analysis is the foundation for many personnel processes like selection and hiring, performance measurement, and training. With ONET’s vast library of characteristics needed for a variety of positions, you can start to understand what is needed for the jobs in your organization.

Click HERE to learn more about ONET.